Englands next generation- Jack Wilshere

The initial in a series of video clips hunting at the younger english skills to get above from our ineffective flops and give us some hope yet again
Video Rating: five / five


  • @Kingofkings8 thanx 🙂

  • @lilshaun207 central – same style and position as fabregas, but english.

  • what position in midfield does he play

  • beautiful control

  • @dsjim1 the XX-crystalized

  • great player skilled and no fear going into challenges

  • You guys see him against the Spuds yesterday? F*cking awesome display.

  • he will be the ultimate number10 behind a lone centre forward.

  • he’s 1 for the future but obviously got a lot to learn. he may need to cut out some of his silly tackles. him and adam johnson r great prospects fo the future!

  • this guy is great!

  • good to see him, but i don’t think he’s quite “montage-able” yet! give it a year tho…

  • Such a good tune, also Wilshire is awesome!

  • @kokosonic90 thanks alot

  • @dsjim1 Islands by the xx great album

  • Fuck yeah, didn’t know he’d smashed up ratface

  • what is the song?

  • The future of england. Keep improving Jack, Prove you have something to give to this nation!

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